Our Home Owners Association works hard to keep the property safe, clean, and enjoyable for all owners and guests. Please follow their rules and enjoy your stay!

Home Owners Association 
Rules and Regulations 

Vehicles shall be parked only in paved parking spaces. All commercial vehicles of any kind or description (campers, trailers, etc.) should be parked in the off-site parking lots. 

Outdoor cooking, including grilling and barbecuing of any type, on balconies or in the hallways is strictly prohibited. 

All garbage and trash must be placed in a secured, heavy-duty plastic bag and taken to the dumpsters on the ground floor of the building. 

Pool rules are clearly posted and enforced. Bottles or glass objects will not be permitted at any time in the swimming pool area. ALL RESIDENTS, GUESTS AND RENTERS ARE CAUTIONED THAT THEY USE THE SWIMMING POOL, ITS EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES AT THEIR OWN RISK. 

Articles of clothing, linens, towels, etc. shall NOT be hung from the balconies, windowsills or draped across balcony furniture. Do not throw cigars, cigarettes or any other objects from your balcony. Also, do not feed the seagulls from your balcony. 

Under no circumstances whatsoever are renters or guests allowed to have pets on Association property. In no event shall the pets of unit owners be permitted in any of the public portions of the condominium unless carried or on a leash and under the direct supervision of the unit owner. Excessive barking of an owner’s pet or other annoyances to residents may be cause for an order by the Association to remove the pet from the property. 

Loud noise from television, stereo equipment, musical instruments and talking should always be kept to a minimum and especially between the hours from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. 

Reasonable supervision of children by a responsible adult must be exercised at all times when children are playing on the grounds or swimming in the pool. Playing in corridors, stairwells and in the elevators is prohibited. 

The City of North Myrtle Beach strictly prohibits shooting off fireworks.